Thursday, September 6, 2007

Officially Aunt Fifi...

My beautiful little neice, Paige Elizabeth was born on Satuday, September 1. My brother-in-law Aaron called at 9am on Saturday morning to tell me that they had been admitted to the hospital and my sister was in labor. My mom and I left around noon and got into Fresno about 3pm. We only had to wait about 3 hours for the news that Paige was born. My mom and I have been here since Saturday and it has been amazing. It is so fun to be around and be able to help with changing diapers, cooking and just holding Paige whenever she needs it. Here are some pictures of the beautiful little girl...


Zakaryans said...

NICE!! i love the new blog. she is so adorable. good job jen! -kz

Todd said...

Way to update Jen, now officially Aunt Fifi. See you in a few weeks!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun

Jason Hicks said...

I think you should update your blog, oh and aren't I one of your favorite people...

Zakaryans said...

is aunt fifi ever going to update this blog? :)

Todd said...

Jen, I don't know if you are qualified to leave or receive comments considering your lack of blogging... just kidding :) Thanks for the comment! Can you please update your blog??

I'm excited to see you all and show you around my new home a bit. It's such a great place.

I've been slowly reading the Shack for months now, and really enjoying it, but not quite done. I'm interested to see how it ends. Are you liking it? Intense start, ha?